May 23, 2012

My First Screen Printing Class

Back in March a couple of friends and I took an 8 week water-based screen printing class at Open Studio in Toronto. My intention in taking the class was to give all of the illustrations and doodles I have been doing some context through printing them on different things (Tshirts, totes etc). This was a beginner/intro class, so we were able to learn about different screen printing techniques (my fave is photo emulsion). This class was so much fun! I have no idea why it took me so long to try screen printing, but man have I been missing out! I have definitely developed a taste for it (borderline addiction) and I know I will need to incorporate screen printing into my life as another creative outlet. I had a pretty kick-ass experience overall, so much so that we have decided to take another four week class :D Here are some prints that I didn't screw up, lol. More to come, stay tuned! 

For the CULTURE! Cricket Team doesn't deserve this...yet, haha


Yall know it's true

For the Tweeters

If your Mom makes roti, chances are you like hers the best :)

What do Canadians do best?


  1. Please tell me you are selling those shirts!
    And then tell me where I need to go to buy one! :)

  2. Matt! Flattered x 1000! Def let you know when they become available. You're great :D

  3. Really it's a wonderful blog for me.I read this completely and found so many important stuff about Screen printing classes with its features.Keep us with great work.Thanks!!
