Sep 19, 2011

Chicken Stew and Plantain Foufou

Two weeks ago (with the help of my mom) I attempted my very first chicken stew! I saw Roger Mooking make a Trinidadian Chicken Stew a while back and really wanted to give it a try. I consulted my bible of Guyanese food (Cynthia Nelson's Tastes Like Home cookbook) to find an appropriate side for the stew. I remember my Mom told me how her grandmother used to make foufou, which they would eat with saucy curries and stews and thankfully Tastes Like Home had the recipe we were looking for. I must say both the stew and foufou came out really nice! My sister (who loathes chicken stew) licked her plate clean! Making the foufou was a pretty cool experience, I never met my great grandmother but through cooking I now feel connected on some level- gotta love food!


  1. Anil, I had to do a double take because for a moment I thought that that was an image from the book (lol) Your stew and foofoo looks fantastic! Remember that you can also make foofoo with any starchy ground provision - cassava, yams, sweet potatoes, eddoes, tania. Looking forward to your other creations!

  2. Thanks Cynthia!! :) I think cassava foofoo will be next!
