Nov 1, 2011

Happy MOVE-ember!

Halloween is officially over and Christmas has begun. If you don't believe me go back to the drugstore you went to yesterday, the isle that had all the Halloween accoutrement has been swifty replaced with all things Christmas. Brace yourself- the days will be getting shorter, darker and colder, however there is hope! Inspired by two of my Irish homefries who have decided to get active for the month of November, I have branded November MOVE-ember. If you're anything like myself, you welcome holiday gluttony with open arms (bad, I know). So instead of simply giving in to all the baked goods to come, why not attempt to change these bad habits and get moving for the month of November. I am doing this challenge 4-for-4 style, meaning my goal is to do something physically active 4 times a week for 4 weeks in a row. I highly recommend you create a similar Move-ember challenge for yourself too! Again, I had to make myself a fun calendar to track my progress, each day that I do something physical is awarded with a sticker (yay!). You are more than welcome to use the calendar as well, if you'd like a hi-res PDF version, shoot me an email. Happy Moving! :)

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